What do you do when you’ve had enough of the imbalance that is destroying our democracies, our planet, and ourselves?
Well, if you’re famed academic and OD practitioner Henry Mintzberg, you set up a website in April 2021 to help us pursue the rebalancing of society. I stumbled across this recently, and was immediately taken by the depth of feeling and thinking. Building on his 2015 book “Rebalancing Society”, Mintzberg has pulled together over 30 years of experience to provide us with a clear pathway towards rebalance. Starting with “Declaring our Interdependence” – hallelujah! – I’m finding this site moving, inspiring and thought-provoking. You might too. And I’ve signed the “Declaration of Interdependence” as it speaks to my heart about who and how we are in the world. You might like to sign too. You can access the website here.
Kaliopi Tsousis
ODA Vice President