September Event with Dr Anne Hartican

“Re-Constructing Performance Management”

Anne facilitated a fascinating evening along with James Food from Insight Outsight. The session was designed to consider how performance management could be re-constructed. This necessitated asking a number of conceptual questions, including its purpose, relevance, assumptions, issues, engagement, relationship to culture and leadership, and how one makes the best of a flawed system.

There were, of course, more questions than answers; however, we then moved to answering a key question, “What would a performance system produce if it was working well?” This was extremely valuable, as it provoked very different sets of answers amongst our participants; the first being about how people behaved, the second being about alignment between the individual and organisation, and the third, matching what an individual and organisation wanted from each other.

All in all, much OD food for thought and a platform for changing a redundant system.


ODA Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting was held and six people were elected to the Leadership Group including Danielle Jacobson as Secretary, Alicia Schulz as Treasurer, Kaliopi Tsousis as Vice-President, with Yen Truong and Ian McKinnon as General Committee members and myself as President.

A resolution was also passed to reduce the number of events from 10 to 8 each year to allow more time and energy to deliver the best events possible for members.

A big thank you to the two departing Committee members, Lisa Stephens (Secretary) and Louise Moxom (General Committee member), for their time and effort on the Committee and helping us through a period in which we’ve been consolidating and re-building ODA’s base.

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