September Event Review – A Taste for Storytelling

Shawn Callaghan weaves stories into his discussion in a way that means you barely notice them but feel compelled to listen. In our September event, Shawn shared a little about his approach to storytelling and how we can become better organisational storytellers – how to acquire business storytelling without being taught.

Ironically for me, who was happily listening without overthinking the content, Shawn’s first step to being a better storyteller is to listen out for stories. He helped us to spot stories by sharing some key cues to alert us that a story is being told. He encouraged us to really listen, to immerse ourselves in the story, to appreciate it and seek meaning, and to share the story.

Our Leadership Group member Meredith Crowe reflected that a key takeout for her was that stories are impactful because “logic leads to conclusion, emotion leaders to action”. I think that’s a really simple, relatable, and useful insight!

You can find out more about Shawn and storytelling by listening to his podcast Anecdotally Speaking.


Danielle Jacobson
