“The Unconscious in the Workplace – How Does It Show Up, and What to do about it!” – presented by Stephanie Reynolds, Kishin Consulting
This very insightful event was presented by Stephanie at the launch of our first regional event in Traralgon on 18th April and then again at Graduate House last week. Stephanie explored the impact of assumptions and unconscious biases in the workplace by first understanding why and how we filter information which in turn leads to the huge number of biases we have. This created an awareness that we could then address, i.e., making the unconscious, conscious. Doing something about that was the next step.
Thank you to Belinda Bywaters and our Vice-President, Kaliopi Tsousis for organising our first regional ODA event which has engendered a great level of enthusiasm that will see ODA hold more events in Gippsland. This was no small feat, as we have previously attempted to organise events and chapters interstate, so it was great to see this one be our first successfully run event outside our home town.
Let’s hear from Stephanie now: