what do CEOs want from od

What do CEOs want from OD – March Event Review

For our March event, we were joined by Bevan Warner, CEO of Launch Housing, and Kath Sutherland, Head of Talent, Capability & Learning at BP, who helped us dissect and answer this very important question.

The session was facilitated by Max Edwards and was a follow up to our February event, “A week in the life of an OD professional“.


Bevan, from his experience in working with OD professionals, spoke of the value of working as equals. He appreciates OD professionals who can work on the problem in the moment with the benefit of their specialised skillset, rather than coming armed with all the answers. He also discussed our responsibility to challenge; if we’re working with the status quo then we are not developing the organisation.

Kath, from her experience in working with the C-suite, spoke of the importance of making our work accessible, letting go of jargon and using language that is meaningful. She talked about understanding what is important to the organisation and using our work to support that.

Both Bevan and Kath shared their own experience of the value of vulnerability, on the part of the OD professional and the CEO, in exploring real issues and allowing meaningful solutions to emerge.


As the group discussed their own experience and reflections some of they key messages that developed were:

  • be authentic and present,
  • create space for vulnerability,
  • work the problem, and
  • meet the C-suite where they are.


It was an enjoyable and insightful evening. Thanks to Max for guiding our exploration, and to Bevan and Kath for sharing their valuable experience.